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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Mark Reinis, age 19.

Mark has been my best friend since I've been 9 years old. I really can't remember a time since then when we HAVEN'T been best friends. He currently attends Long Beach City College, and plans to hopefully attend Long Beach State in the spring.

Mark enjoys the fine arts. Simply put, he really enjoys drawing, and painting, and playing video games. I know, I know, video games aren't part of the fine arts. But hey, they are fine pieces of art! He really enjoys living life, and hanging out with chill people.

One fact that people might not know about my best friend is that he got to represent the United States on the Junior National rowing team, just a couple years ago through his rowing successes from Long Beach Junior Crew. He currently coaches there. Mark has really shown his team spirit on LBJC, for example, he got the Most Inspirational Teammate award not one, but TWO years in a row, and he went to Nationals every year.

Mark enjoys  listening to whatever is popular at the time, though he DOES favor quite a few Mumford and Sons songs. Winter Winds would probably be his favorite, followed closely by Little Lion Man and White Blank Page. He also likes Temper Trap and K'naan.  He likes to watch the Office (who doesn't?!) and he enjoys barbeque chicken. His favorite YouTube video is of a cappella legend, Bobby McFerrin, who does his own rendition of "My Favorite Things" from The Sound of Music musical.

Mark is pretty much like my brother. He's hangin out at my house all the time, and I at his, we're constantly battling it out on Halo: Reach, and even CoD. Those of you who know about CoD, well, you know. Mark, thanks for being my best bud.

here is the link to that video!

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